Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie

Watched The Hunger Games movie today with Nick. It was really sweet of him to buy the tickets for us. ^.^ I was pretty happy. I was excited to see this movie. I read all the books. I loved the first two. The third one was ehhh though. It wasn't as satisfactory in terms of the level of action. And then so many people die. Their deaths don't measure up to how important they were in the story though. Peeta and Katniss barely interact in the third book too.
Anyways, the movie wasn't too bad. I actually really enjoyed it. The pace could have been faster. Nick fell asleep. He hasn't read the books and I think it'd be harder to understand what's going on if you haven't read them. But the film was very faithful to the book. No added or deleted parts that were important. Which is a definite plus. That's one of the most annoying things that can happen in my opinion. Like Voldemort and Malfoy's awkward hug in the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. -___- 
It so weird whenever I have to study I can think of a thousand things I would rather be doing. And now that I have free time. I forgot everything that I want to do.... -___- oh man. I wanna do some baking though, I haven't made anything in really long time.

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