Saturday, February 18, 2012

Protein Power Smoothie

This is the other cookbook I own, Power Foods. My boyfriend, Nick, gave it to me for Christmas. He knows how much I love food and cooking. I'm glad he's not a picky eater, I like to have him try new recipes with me. The first 65 pages of this book tell you all about the power foods used in the recipes and why they are healthy for you. For example, what types of vitamins and minerals are in each food and also how to buy and store the ingredients, which I found really helpful since I haven't worked with all the ingredients before. 

I made the first recipe in here, the protein power smoothie. It turned out to be really tasty actually. I used raw honey instead of regular. I also used frozen berries since its the dead of winter. The recipe says to stick all the ingredients in the blender at once. However, I think the berries should be added a little bit at a time. I threw them in all at once and they got stuck and weren't blending properly. I had to take some out and mix the rest with a spoon before they would blend again.

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