Friday, February 17, 2012

New Fitness Goal

I've been over-eating and not exercising lately, making me feel guilty. Granted I was sick on Wednesday and I can still feel the after-effects of my migraine today. But whatever, life goes on. So I'm going to pick one new fitness goal to work on. In the past I believe I've tried to make too many drastic changes at once which is overwhelming and difficult to keep up with, perhaps leading to my relapses back into the cookie jar. Anyways, my new goal is to drink more water. Mostly because water is good for you, and I think I'm not getting enough anyways. My water bottle holds 32 oz. So four of those puppies should equal 1 gallon.  I'm not shooting to drink one whole gallon right now. But just two of these bottles. I've had one and a half so far and it's practically time for me to sleep. So I'm not doing too bad. 

Excited for this 3 day weekend. Could really use the break after midterms. I need to study more, I tell myself this everyday. I'm getting better though. It took years to develop my horrible study habits. They aren't gonna disappear overnight. Hope all goes well. Just keep moving forward.

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