Tuesday, February 21, 2012

President's Day Weekend

Really fun and productive weekend. On Friday, Nick and I went to Ikea because we wanted a long pillow. When we sleep our heads always fall in the crack between our two pillows. We were going to get a long one that would span the crack. However, we didn't find one to our liking and ended up purchasing Swedish meatballs and lingonberry sauce. I bought these trainers since we were going to go hiking on Saturday. The last time we hiked I wore Converse, which was really uncomfortable and I slipped which was embarrassing. These ones were comfortable. The hike was really enjoyable and I think we are going to go again this weekend. I didn't take any pictures though, since I didn't bring my phone with me. Where are you supposed to put your phone when you work out? My clothes have no pockets.
I felt really energized during the hike but after we got home I was starving. Then after we ate I felt exhausted. So weird. Also went and got a hair cut. I don't like it. It feels too thin and short. But whenever I get my hair cut it always turns out to be so similar to what it looked like before that most people can't tell the difference. Even when I ask for different styles it still comes out the same. My hair refuses to look like anything else. I tried the pear and Gorgonzola pizza at CPK with Nick. It didn't taste how I thought it would, it was kind of sweet, which was weird on pizza. The pears were good but too thin. Definitely not enough toppings. Sorry I didn't take a picture. But oh well, Nick's pizza choice wasn't too bad, the garlic chicken one. It's his favorite but they still didn't put enough toppings on it :[ sad. No picture either, since I forgot, sorry!

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