Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Tree

My phone was glitching out all day yesterday. It only let me upload half the posts that I wanted to. And I finally got it to upload the rest today. That thing runs out of battery so fast, so annoying. This happens every time Apple releases a new Iphone and iOS. The new iOS sucks the battery life out of the old Iphone.

By the way, it looks like there's a huge gap in posts from September to November. That's where basically all those posts I just uploaded these past two days came from. I just got too lazy to upload. I can usually manage 1 or 2 posts a day. Plus after I make the food I'm all tired and just wanna veg out for a bit.

We set up the Christmas tree at the office today. Usually I try and take a long time doing it, putting care in to make the tree look good, balance the amount of red with silver/white. But today I just kinda threw it all together. Plus Bo helped so it went by pretty fast. The tree looks pretty nice though. I want to put up the one for our house, but I think we'll wait til my sister gets back from college. I think her finals are next week. So she ends pretty early compared to other colleges I know of.

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