Sunday, November 25, 2012

Class 302: Hot Grass Jelly

Went with my mom, sis, and sis's friend to Class 302 again.We ordered plenty of food. I really should take more pictures when I go. But I'm embarrassed, the whole "pictures of Asians taking pictures of food" thing. I shouldn't care but I do feel a little self conscious.

Anyways, this review is for the hot grass jelly. I typically like it with rice balls, condensed milk, and peanuts. But for some reason, the last few times I've come here, they don't have any of the sweet peanuts! So lame! I asked for double rice balls then, but they ended up bringing double condensed milk? I'm too lazy to change it so I just ate it. I always feel like when I go to a restaurant, if I speak that restaurants language (ex: Korean at a Korean place) I get better service. Too bad I only speak English. Back on topic now, the rice balls are nice and chewy. The condensed milk isn't the sticky sweet kind, but more of a liquid cream kind of thing. Overall pretty satisfying and very filling. This whole weekend has been a bunch of good eats. I'm gaining a lot of weight.

The winter's cold weather doesn't help either. It's harder to get motivated to work out because it's so cold, I don't like changing into my workout clothes. I'd rather stay cuddled up in bed watching Netflix all day. Then there's all the fattening food available that's normally associated with the holidays. I'm getting back into cooking again. I find that happens with me a lot. I'll go through periods were I really like cooking and then other times where I just hate it. And it annoys me whenever someone asks me to cook. I just don't like thinking of it as a chore. When it's a chore it's not any fun anymore.

After this weekend though, I'm anticipating doing a fruit and vegetable flush. I feel like I need to clean out all this gunk and toxins from my body. I've been breaking out like CRAZY and it's annoying me to no end. So sad. My forehead is sprouting little zits everywhere. I've got a particularly bad one right between the eyebrows too. I'm also in major need of a haircut. I'm going to call the salon this week to make an appointment. The dry ends are killing me.

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