Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Splash Cafe's Clam Chowder

My sister took me to Splash Cafe when I went to visit her a few weekends ago. Let me just say I was freezing cold in SLO. She warned me that it would be cold but I definitely was not prepared for how terribly cold it was. I needed multiple layers, a thick jacket, scarf, gloves... it still wasn't enough. I tell you, when I move I know I'm going to miss SoCal weather. I love the warmth and sunshine.

The clam chowder at Splash was supposed to be really good. But to be honest I liked the chowder I had at this fish market my sister took me to better. Splash Cafe's had a much higher amount of cream in their chowder I believe. I can't taste cream very well, so it doesn't do much for me flavor wise. So overall it wasn't anything special for me.

Clam Chowder

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